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What To Do in Dhaka

Tips and Tricks: What To Do in Dhaka

If you are in a short trip Dhaka, you better say it a jungle of buildings and you might be wondering what to do in Dhaka. Well, there are a lot to offer in your tour to Dhaka. Note down few of the Things To Do in Dhaka that you can try:

Foods in Dhaka:

Dhaka is the food capital of Bangladesh. There you will find verity of mouth watering restaurant and items that will fill not only your mind but also your memory. From the dishes of Mughal Mmperor to Mexican Cuisine, Dhaka has to offer them all. Each of your evening What to do in Dhaka list will easily filled if you try some every day.

You can try old Dhaka for the items of Mughal period. Star Kabab, Al-Rajjak Resturant, Hajjir Beriany all are very popolar among the locals. You can find tea stalls all around the Dhaka and some heats up fresh milk on the place. Ask for a Malai Tea, to get a taste of life time. It will be given with the sweet over lay of the tea with same amount of tea leaker. All old Dhaka taste can be availded in the Dhaka City Tour of Deshghuri. If you want to test verify of other country, come over to Banani 11 and you will find all verity of food in a single street. Note that, Banani 11 is not as cheap as other part of Bangladesh. Some of this restaurant also offers live music.

Movies and Market:

What to do in Dhaka list can to turned to a bit western if you go to a movie theater in Dhaka. Thought there are only two recommendable movie theater in Dhaka, they offer 4-7 movies at a time and 50% of them will be from Hollywood. Try Star Cineplex and Jamuna Block Blaster Cinema for a movie evening. These two cinema theater in Dhaka is inside two of the biggest shopping mall in Bangladesh which would be an extra bonus excellent experience of Bangladesh culture and fashion.

Museum in Dhaka:

Dhaka holds more than seven museums. Yes! It does. These are: National Museum, Liberation war Museum, Coin Museum, Science Museum, Bangabundhu Museum, Ahsanmanjil Museum, Defense Museum and more. All of which will take a more or less BDT 100 entrance fee and can deliver you an idea of Bangladeshi culture and history.

Before we write up regarding day tour, I would say there are many things to do still left out which will be disclosed in future articles. Now,

Day Tour & Activities:

There are a number of tour operator in Dhaka along with deshghuri provides day tour in Dhaka that can fill all you’re what to do list in Dhaka in more organized way. We have Dhaka City Tour to let you meet with Bangladeshi culture, Dhamrai to meet the Bessel art work and pottery worker village tour or try to have a Panam City Sonargaon Tour to feel the heritage of Bangladesh.

Keep visiting for the second part of the post soon ….

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